The PhD program is the main graduate program in ESPM for students entering with or without previous masters degrees, though we also offer limited numbers of MS degrees in our specialized Master of Range Management and Master of Forestry programs. The goal of the program is to provide both a strong disciplinary education and broadly based Support Physics & Astronomy. Scientists in the Department of Physics & Astronomy are working to expand our knowledge of the Universe, the laws of physics, and the behavior of matter and energy by examining everything from the smallest particles to the vast expanses of the cosmos Filing a Thesis or Dissertation; Student Progress Assessment; Warnings, Probation and Disqualification Mentoring at Critical Transitions (MCT) Seminar Series; Mentoring at Fellowship Recipients; Mentoring at Critical Transitions (MCT) History; Individual Development Plan (IDP) The Versatile PhD + The Versatile PhD (UCD login) Career
Doctorate (PhD)
Concordia University has one of the best doctoral programs in communication studies in the country and an international reputation for excellence in research, phd thesis mentoring, and teaching. Faculty in the department include numerous nationally and internationally reputed, phd thesis mentoring, award-winning scholars, artists, and media makers, with extensive and committed track records in graduate supervision, training and mentoring.
Our research expertise is profoundly interdisciplinary, traversing the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, and the sciences, phd thesis mentoring, and supports and encourages innovative subjects and modes of inquiry. Our methods are largely qualitative, but include phd thesis mentoring and discourse analysis, research-creation with specific expertise in documentary film, sound projects, platform interventions and activist media, installation, and VRscience and technology studies STSparticipant observation, visual ethnography, digital research methods, curatorial research, phd thesis mentoring, co-research and co-design, and community-based research.
Students in the program will gain rigorous training in advanced, experimental and interdisciplinary methods for media, communication, and cultural analysis. A key department strength lies in its lab-based research culture, allowing graduate students to get involved in rich, engaged, cutting-edge research and research-creation projects.
Working with graduate students, faculty and post-doctoral students across the university, graduate students can participate in broad-based research initiatives, and can access key media equipment and space for engaged scholarly work and practice-led research. Students also have the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary research labs across the university, and Communication Studies doctoral students are particularly active in Milieuxand Technoculture, Art and Games TAG.
The intellectual energy of our PhD. students is a constant source of inspiration. Over the years, students have organized ground-breaking conferences, established reading and thesis support groups, and been included in exhibitions, film screenings and cultural events around the world.
Our students have also been successful in securing highly competitive scholarships and awards, including the Trudeau Scholarship and the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. Graduates from our program have gone on to take up post-doctoral fellowships, phd thesis mentoring, employment in the public and private sectors, and academic positions across Canada and internationally.
For a sense of the range of topics addressed by PhD students in our department, see our list of theses completed. A PhD is a serious, long-term undertaking, one not taken up lightly in our current conjuncture. While students are admitted on the basis of their phd thesis mentoring to undertake sustained, independent, and rigorous work, we specifically recognize a multiplicity of paths towards graduate study, and encourage you to contact me if you have questions about the program or the application process.
We are honoured that you are interested in applying for graduate study in our department. Mircea Mandache. Concordia University uses technical, analytical, marketing and preference cookies. These are necessary for our site to function properly and to create the best possible online experience. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Doctorate PhD. A Word from phd thesis mentoring Director Concordia University has one of the best doctoral programs in communication studies in the country and an international reputation for excellence in research, research-creation, and teaching.
Sincerely, Dr. Krista Lynes Director, Concordia PhD in Communication. Communication Doctorate Phd. Please contact the Graduate Programs Assistant. PhD student biographies. Doctoral thesis submission process.
Thesis preparation guide. PhD Theses listing. Back to top. Accept Privacy policy.
I quit my PhD
, time: 18:20Doctoral Program | Kellogg School of Management
Expected Progress of Physics Graduate Student to blogger.com document describes the Physics Department's expectations for the progress of a typical graduate student from admission to award of a PhD. Because students enter the program with different training and backgrounds and because thesis research by its very nature is unpredictable, the time-frame for individual students The PhD program is the main graduate program in ESPM for students entering with or without previous masters degrees, though we also offer limited numbers of MS degrees in our specialized Master of Range Management and Master of Forestry programs. The goal of the program is to provide both a strong disciplinary education and broadly based Using parts of a PhD thesis in a book requires that ongoing and/or collaborative research is being conducted. A book (perhaps co-authored) should be greater than the sum of its constituent parts. Using an aspect of a PhD thesis in an edited book on a broader topic ensures that the research fits with related research on a similar theme. A good
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