Submitting Your Thesis and Dissertation Files Electronically If your graduate program requires a thesis or dissertation, please review the information on this website, designed to assist you in meeting the requirements for a successful thesis or dissertation Electronic Theses and Dissertations. The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) repository holds full-text theses and dissertations submitted for higher degrees at the University (including submissions from former Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon) The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national
Electronic Theses and Dissertations
The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations ETD project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing electronic theses and dissertations knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertationsa national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine, electronic theses and dissertations. Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at or email at um.
spc maine. Lexicographic Sensitivity Functions for Nonsmooth Models in Mathematical Biologyelectronic theses and dissertations, Matthew D. Gait Rehabilitation Using Biomechanics and ExoskeletonsJacob Bloom. Individual Differences and Ecological Validity of Emotion Regulation in Response to SadnessColin M. Marine Aquaculture in Maine: Understanding Diverse Perspectives and Interactions at Multiple ScalesMelissa L. Nanocellulose Conduits for Enhanced Regeneration of Peripheral Nerve Electronic theses and dissertationsNicklaus R.
A Case Study into Middle School Students' Conceptualizations of Motion and Interpretations of Negative VelocitiesPeter A. Assessing the Effectiveness of electronic theses and dissertations Tool for Classifying and Assessing Student Energy Diagrams in Pre- and Post-COVID InstructionMichael Dudley.
An Examination of Community Band Members' Ratings of Skills, Traits, and Behaviors of Community Band ConductorsAnita-Ann Jerosch. Empathic Instruction through Literary Narratives: A Quasi-Experimental Study of an Occupational Therapy CourseCavenaugh P.
Examining Summertime Melt and Temperatures in the North Pacific Electronic theses and dissertationsIngalise Kindstedt. Where Are All The Women? Active Blade Pitch and Hull-Based Structural Control of Floating Offshore Wind TurbinesEben Lenfest. Development of Hybrid Ultra-High Performance Concrete Electronic theses and dissertations Composite Panels for Blast and Ballistic ProtectionAlyssa M. Hydrodynamic Electronic theses and dissertations of Expanding AquacultureZhilong Liu.
Consumer Preferences and Associated Price Premiums for Agricultural Traits in Maine Marketselectronic theses and dissertations, Lauren Miller. Growth of Perkinus marinus by Bioreactor FermentationCaitlin Murphy. Handling and Manipulation of Water- and Air- Borne Biological Samples Using Liquid-Infused SurfacesDaniel P. Development of Methods for Determining Water Content in Oil Using Infrared SpectroscopySfoog Hamad Saleh.
Making Earth, Making Home: Technoscientific Citizenship and Ecological Domesticity in an Age of LimitsEmma Schroeder. Nanostructured Self-assembled Thin Films of Cationic Bottlebrush Block CopolymersHathaithep Senkum.
Translational Electronic theses and dissertations and its Role in Neuronal HomeostasisMarkus Terrey. Tree Responses to Moderate and Extreme Drought in the Northeastern United StatesRuth A.
van Kampen. Toward Improving Understanding of the Structure and Biophysics of Glycosaminoglycanselectronic theses and dissertations, Elizabeth K. Direct Support Professionals' Perspectives on Sexuality Issues of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Qualitative Analysis of Interviews with Providers in MaineNicole Achey. Impact Resistance of Fiber-Reinforced Composites Using Computational SimulationsMaitham Alabbad.
The Effect of Hemicellulose Absorption on Apparent Sheet DensityChristopher M. Potato Yield Response to Different Rates of Phosphorus Fertilization in Northern Maine - USAelectronic theses and dissertations, Ahmed A.
Investigation of Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidants Properties of Phenolic Compounds from Inonotus obliquus Using Different Extraction MethodsWeaam A. Microsite Requirements for Successful Regeneration in Lowland Northern White-Cedar Thuja occidentalis ForestsJeanette Allogio.
Evaluation and Exploration of Microbial Quality and Safety Aspects of Unpasteurized Retail Maine Dairy ProductsDhafer A. H Alshaibani. A Spatial Economic Model of Maine's Forest Product Industry: Interactions Between Markets, Policy, and SpaceJames L.
Population Structure and Reproductive Biology of Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi Reade Honey in Lowbush Blueberry in MaineKatherine A. Evaluating the Current Weed Community in Wild Blueberry Fields and IPM Strategies for Spreading Dogbane Apocynum androsaemifoliumAnthony G.
Development and Test of High Temperature Surface Acoustic Wave Gas SensorsArmando E. Ayes Moncada. Modeling of Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in a Porous MediumHamza Azzam. Understanding the Influence of Nonlinear Seas on Wind Generated WavesTaylor L. Separating God's Two Kingdoms: Regular Baptists in Maine, electronic theses and dissertations, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, toRonald S. Exploring the Social Effects of Increased Hiker Use at the Northern Terminus of the Appalachian TrailLeah Beck.
Understanding Social Factors in Small Group Work in Undergraduate Mathematics ClassroomsJeremy R. The Next Generation of Labor in Rural, Resource-Rich Places: Forestry Needs and Youth AspirationsNicole R. Fabrication of Silicon Microneedles for Dermal Interstitial Fluid Extraction in Human SubjectsCaleb A. Spruce Budworm Defoliation Detection and Host Species Mapping Using Sentinel Satellite ImageryRajeev Bhattarai.
Sourcing and Evaluating the Use of Detritus as a Supplementary Diet for Bivalve Aquaculture Using Stable Isotopes and Fatty Acid BiomarkersAdrianus C. The Relative Abundance and Diversity of Parasitoids of the Browntail Moth Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.
and Factors that Influence Their Population Dynamicselectronic theses and dissertations, Karla S. The Influence of Message Type, Environmental Attitude, and Political Ideology on Perceptions of Aquaculture in the United StatesTabitha C.
Evaluation and Impact of Food Safety Messages in New Media for Trending Recipes: Savory Jam on YouTubeAlison L. Pyramiding Approaches for Potato Disease Resistance BreedingKristen M.
The Maine Teacher Resilience Study: Using SEM to Create A Teacher Costs to Caring Resilience ModelSherry Pineau Brown, electronic theses and dissertations.
Assessing the Factors That Alter Ecological Responses of Cold, Oligotrophic Lakes to Nutrient SubsidiesBenjamin Burpee. Work at the Boundary: A Research-Practice Partnership to Integrate Computer Science into Middle School ScienceAmelia R. Conversations with the Oregon Trail and the Silent GenerationJose A. Camacho Quiroz. Leak Detection and Localization in Pressurized Space Structures Using Bayesian Inference: Theory and PracticeJoel Castro.
Airborne Hyperspectral Data Application in Stress Detection of Blueberry Fields and Ash TreesCatherine Chan. Examining the Electronic theses and dissertations Shrimp Fishery in a Changing Gulf of Maineelectronic theses and dissertations, Ashley N. Phytoplankton Community Composition in the Surface Ocean: Methods for Detection using Optical Measurements, Pigment Concentrations, and Flow CytometryAlison P.
I Love It When You Make Me Coffee In The MorningRachel Elizabeth Church. Making Vacationland: The Modern Automobility and Tourism Borderlands of Maine and New Brunswick,Sean C. Managing Resilience in a Changing World: A Multiscale Analysis of Fisheries Governance ChallengesMarina Cucuzza. The Impact of Cooking Knowledge, Electronic theses and dissertations, Behavior, and Food Security Status on Diet Quality of College Students at the University of MaineAngela I.
Distributions and Abundances of the Red Tide Dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella in the Eastern Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy in Relation to Diatoms in June, July and August ofKimberly Lina D'Adamo. Investigating Maine Secondary Science Teachers Conceptualization of Scientific ArgumentationErin Doran. Wildlife Rehabilitation Datasets as an Underutilized Resource to Understand Avian Threats, Mortality, and Mitigation Opportunitieselectronic theses and dissertations, Michelle M.
Sustainable Production of Feed for Recirculating Aquaculture using Black Solider Flies and MicroalgaePatrick Erbland. Evaluating Seafood Distribution Channels in the Atlantic Sea Scallop and Northeast Multispecies Groundfish FisheriesAmanda Fall. Health Insurance Plan Design and Chronic Disease ManagementDaniel E. Beyond the Brain: a Study of α-synuclein's Role in Bone and Adipose TissueCarolina A.
Thermal Inactivation of Bacterial Pathogens and Fungal Spores Under Post-Process Contamination Scenarios in Maple Syrup ProcessingMaria Fiore. A Transdisciplinary Approach to Decision Support for Dams in the Northeastern U. with Hydropower PotentialEmma L. So That All Children May Successfully and Optimally Learn: Changing the Odds for Rural StudentsMaria C. Investigation of Infiltration Measurements Using Electronic theses and dissertations Induced Pressure Response on an Enclosure electronic theses and dissertations, Aaron R.
From Phocine Distemper to Avian Influenza: A Study of Immunogenetic Diversity in Two Sympatric Pinniped SpeciesAlayna K. A Groundwater Flow Model to Aid in Water Resource Management for the Carraipia Basin in the coastal semi-arid region of La Guajira state ColombiaEfren D. Gomez Arevalo. Investigating the Intersections of Interpersonal Violence: Identifying Risk and Protective Factors for HazingKayla E. UAV 6DOF Simulation and Kalman Filter for Localizing Radioactive SourcesJohn G.
Habitat Selection Across the Reproductive Cycles of Grassland Songbirds in the Northern Great PlainsNicole Ann Guido. Evaluating TLB Translation Lookaside Buffer Performance Overhead for NVM non-volatile Memory Hybrid SystemXiang Guo. Optical Signatures of Plankton in the Open Ocean: From Individual Cells to Global PatternsNils Haentjens.
Square DanceMatthew T. Radiometric Dating: A New TechniqueAmber Emily Hathaway. Snowmobiling in Maine: Economic Contributions and Registered Maine GuidesIan Hathaway.
Harp, Harbor and Gray Seal Strandings in the Gulf of Maine: A Retrospective Socio-Ecological AnalysisHolland Haverkamp. Generating Insight Into the Nature of Existence; The Process of Unraveling LogicKeith Reed Hayden II. The Design and Validation of a UAV Propeller Intended for Extremely Low Reynolds Number EnvironmentsBenjamin Hebert.
Effects of Salt and Garlic Concentration on The Microbial Safety, Biochemical Properties, and Sensory Acceptance of Spontaneously Fermented Beet KvassAbigail Hing. My Haunted Home: A Collection of Short StoriesVictoria E. Fostering Coastal Destination Resilience in Maine: Understanding Climate Change Risks and BehaviorsLydia Horne. A Comprehensive Model of Stress-induced Binge Eating: The Role of Cognitive Restraint, Negative Affect, and Impulsivity In Binge Eating as a Response to StressRachael M.
Electronic Theses and Dissertations at the University of Illinois
, time: 3:18Electronic Theses and Dissertations | Stanford Libraries

Electronic Theses & Dissertations. An Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) is a document that reports the research of a graduate student. The Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida catalog, preserve, and provide access to the dissertations and theses produced in support of graduate degree programs at UF. UF’s electronic theses and dissertations reside in the Institutional Repository at Submitting Your Thesis and Dissertation Files Electronically If your graduate program requires a thesis or dissertation, please review the information on this website, designed to assist you in meeting the requirements for a successful thesis or dissertation Information about the dissertations/theses includes degree information, committee members, an abstract, supporting data or media. In addition to the electronic theses found in the ASU Digital Repository, ASU Theses and Dissertations can be found in the ASU Library Catalog
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