Literature Review on Workforce Diversity Ekor Robert Besong (pg) Policies and Practice of Human Resource Management School of Economics and Management University of Minho Introduction The main focus of this report is to describe in detail the literature on diversity in the workforce in order to understand the complexity and breadth of workplace diversity blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Jul 21, · The review draws on evidence from across the research system, with a primary focus on health and biomedical research. It also draws on related literatures on diversity, inclusion, equality and coproduction across health systems and services, and organisational diversity and inclusion Diversity in the Workplace: a Literature Review Essay Words6 Pages Diversity in the Workplace In today's society, cultural diversity is at the highest point it has ever been
Diversity Literature Review – Free Examples for Every Occasion | WePapers
In this paper we explore previous literature on the subject of managing diversity. We begin by looking at the various definitions of diversity. An analysis of the arguments found in the literature for, diversity literature review, and against, workplace diversity is then presented. We then look at the results of empirical research conducted to examine the affects of diversity on organisational performance.
A number of cases are included to illustrate real world examples to the literature reviewed. So why does diversity matter? His broad definition includes lifestyle, sexual orientation, geographic origin, diversity literature review, tenure with an organisation, physical and mental disability, exempt or non-exempt status, and management or nonmanagement De Janesz et al. Hazardp. A broad definition of diversity is also adopted by WorthRichardson and Gill Therefore, as almost all workplaces have a diverse group of employees, managers and directors, being able to effectively manage workplace diversity literature review is important to the majority of businesses.
Kramer makes an important distinction between diversity and affirmative action, arguing that diversity management is an approach to management rather than an extension of affirmative action. Roosaveltdiversity literature review, p. This is supported by research conducted by Lowther at Dell Computers that found having support for the diversity strategy at board level was an important diversity literature review to the success of their diversity program.
As a result, a shift has occurred within firms from merely complying with affirmative action legislation to managing diversity in order to increase firm performance.
Furthermore, Merrill-Sands, Holvino and Cumming acknowledge that while a diverse workforce may offer a wider pool of approaches, perspectives and resources—and even better decision making—it can also reduce team cohesion, diversity literature review, complicate communication and heighten conflict.
Accordingly, multicultural teams can often generate frustrating management dilemmas and create substantial obstacles to effective teamwork. Brett et al. For example, a US team and Latin American buyers was negotiating with a team of Korean buyers where discussions were conducted in English.
Often, the Korean would caucus in Korean, frustrating the buyers, who responded by caucusing in Spanish. This approach proved effective, conveying to the Koreans in an indirect manner that the caucus in Korean was frustrating to the other side.
Therefore, as a result both teams interacted in a more professional and respectable manner Brett et al. Johnson diversity literature review Richard have both argued that superior firm performance results from a culturally diverse work force.
Capowskip. For example, diversity literature review, Dell recognised that a diverse workforce was critical to the exploration of new ideas and the creation of innovation Lowther However, not everyone agrees that increasing workplace diversity automatically translates to improved organisational performance. For example, Thomas and Ely argue that the way in which diversity is managed leads to increased productivity, rather than the mere existence of diversity.
Hence, managing diversity becomes increasingly important for diversity literature review that want to maximise the potential of their workforce, diversity literature review. De Janesz et al have identified a number of barriers that exist within some individuals to accepting diversity. They include prejudice, ethnocentrism, stereotypes, discrimination, harassment and backlash. However, by focussing on overcoming these barriers firms can improve their ability to diversity literature review diversity Stalinski For example, by successfully managing its diversity programs, Dell has built a stronger, more flexible organisation Diversity literature review In this paper we found that firm performance can be improved by having a diverse workforce.
However, the way in which a firm manages their diverse workplace is extremely important. This has real implications for senior management and organisational strategy, and understanding how to effectively manage diverse workforces will become increasingly important as the world moves diversity literature review being a global marketplace.
Jackson, SDiversity in the workplace: human resource initiatives, Guildford Press, New York. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this diversity literature review. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email.
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Managing Diversity Literature Review In this paper we explore previous literature on the subject of managing diversity. We begin by looking at the various definitions of diversity. An analysis of the arguments found in the literature for, and against, workplace diversity is then blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Diversity in the Workforce: A Literature Review. Diversity in the Workforce Series Report #1. Wentling, Rose Mary; Palma-Rivas, Nilda The literature on diversity in the work force was reviewed to determine the complexity and breadth of workplace diversity issue and identify trends in diversity Cited by: 4 Jul 21, · The review draws on evidence from across the research system, with a primary focus on health and biomedical research. It also draws on related literatures on diversity, inclusion, equality and coproduction across health systems and services, and organisational diversity and inclusion
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